
Jim Ross comenta o que aconteceu no Monday Night RAW

O WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross fez uso do seu blog para comentar o que aconteceu no Monda Night RAW de ontem. Eis os highlights:
- Talked with Steve Austin, whose podcasts on @PodcastOne are killing it, on Monday night and was kidding him about him 'training for a comeback,' which most fans thought meant Steve was returning to the ring, and, subsequently, 'taking a bigger role within WWE in 2015.' I jokingly asked Austin that if he was going to be taking a bigger role if he could get a brother some work because a man's got to eat!

Bottom line is that Steve was talking to a man who used to train with 'Arnold' back in the day at the Gold's Gym in Venice and Steve said he was training to prepare to return to Gold's Gym to train. They were talking about training, not wrestling, and how working out at Gold's in Venice wasn't for everyone. When the fans heard Austin say that he was "training for a comeback" they assumed that he meant to the ring which in turn means WrestleMania 31.

While Steve always keeps an open mind on returning to the ring for one last match, that's not an immediate goal of his or even on the back burner. If many factors involved in that process were in place, I could theoretically see Steve doing it but the chance that all the stars aligning to his satisfaction are slim plus the window of opportunity as it relates to Father Time is beginning to close as well.

Austin would never return to the ring to go through the motions and he would likely need a solid four months of in ring work/training to be in the condition that he would demand of himself to headline a major event like WrestleMania. If I were WWE, I'd more likely look at WM32 in Dallas and begin discussing that sooner than later for the Texas Rattlesnake. That's merely my personal opinion but selling 100,000 tickets in his home state might interest Steve the most if the money, the opponent and the creative were all on point.

- The Roman Reigns interview was well intended but came off as "let's hurry and get Roman back on TV" than any thing else. No viable info was provided that I recall as it certainly seems that Roman is still being fast tracked. I feel that it was a good decision to not have Reigns do his promo live from the ring.

- I haven't gotten interested in the Hell in a Cell just yet that's later this month in Dallas but I'm sure that I will watch it on the WWE Network. It's always interesting to see how a PG HIAC can be produced without 'blood' of some sort as the dramatic, steel encased backdrop almost seems to cry out for that special effect. Or...I'm just very old school.
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