
WWE retira cartaz do Monday Night RAW

Um cartaz empunhado por um fã no Monday Night RAW desta semana que dizia "I could Be Home Watching Nitro... for $9.99" foi removido pelos seguranças da WWE. O cartaz foi visível em certos momentos do show na TV. O fã acabou a ser escoltado para fora da arena.

O fã orgulhoso pela sua atitude lançou uma thread no Reddit ao falar da sua aventura no RAW. Ele disse:

"Got kicked out of raw for the I could be home watching Nitro for $9.99 sign"

"I got threatened with arrest. They tried getting my id for records. Fuck the entire company. They kicked me out because of the sign. It's fine that I got kicked out but trying to bully me. Bring it. The piece of shit guy in the suit with the WWE logo on his suit is a little bitch yes man for Vince. They threatened me with everything in the the book and I walked out of the arena on my own will. Fuck Vince trips and Steph suck my fucking dick you c****"

"They came up to me at about 9pm and we're like give me the signs. I was like which one. They took one of the three I had and walked away 2 minutes later came back with a big black guy in a suit and asked me to follow them. Which I didn't told them to fuck off. Which they threatened me with arrest and I laughed in their face. After about 5 minutes of time being assholes I walked to th e area where they sell everything and tried talking to them. All I got was surrounded by dick heads in suits telling me WWE didn't like me and wanted me gone. I refused to leave and begged them to bring the Des Moines police department so I could be taken to jail and they wouldn't. I walked down out on my own free will after being fed up with the bullshit Fuck the WWE and their bullying"

Uma fonte da WWE comentou mais tarde ao PWinsider que o fã foi retirado da arena devido ao seu comportamento e não devido ao cartaz que usava. Um fã disse:  "I was about 6 seats away from this guy and he had it coming. He appeared to be intoxicated, was chanting for Chris Benoit and was throwing his signs. We were glad to see him go. He left out a lot of details on his own behavior."
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