
Wrestler olímpico fala sobre tryout na WWE

O Guampdn.com entrevistou o wrestler olímpico Jeff Cobb e este falou sobre o tryout que teve no centro de treinos da WWE a semana passada. Eis os highlights:

"It was pretty much two-a-day workouts of just killing us and seeing if we were going to quit. There was a lot of people that had to sit out for a bit, be it from dizziness, cramping, aches and pains, but everybody made it through the three days, some better than others."

"... Everything was challenging. I took about five ice baths over the three days. It was great, but I was so beat up and sore."

"They didn't say, 'Don't go to the top rope,' but they are looking more if you can work. Anybody can go to the top rope and do flips and whatnot, but they want to see if you can tell stories."

"(The tryout) was one of the coolest things I've done in my life. Being able to be there and seeing these guys you see on TV, seeing these legends that are there watching you do your craft and giving me feedback. It's amazing."

"It seemed like they liked everything they saw. Hopefully I keep my fingers crossed and something comes out from this. ... They didn't have too much things I could fix, so I'm going to assume that they liked what they saw and hopefully I impressed them. It went really well, a lot of positive feedback. They're trying to invest in you. They don't want you for like a month, they want you long term. ... I'm really excited for it."
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