
Santino fala de voltar aos ringues e à WWE

Santino Marella deu uma entrevista ao Slam! Wrestling sobre a sua cirurgia ao pescoço. Questionado sobre o tempo de paragem, Santino disse: "I can start riding the bike in a couple of weeks, and then maybe a month after that, some light weights. Then I'll be able to exercise. I just won't be able to do any falling. If I can get back into the ring, that'll be in six months' time. There's no guarantee that I'll be back, but there's definitely a possibility."

Santino indicou que espera regressar à TV da WWE: "In the meantime, I should go back to work in about a month and I'll just be doing a non-physical role for the next five months or so, until I'm ready to go. It'll be interesting how I transition back to the ring; hopefully they do something cool."
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