
Jim Ross comenta o que aconteceu no RAW

O WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross fez mais uma vez uso do seu blog para comentar o que aconteceu no Monda Night RAW desta semana. Eis os highlights:

- Good move putting the IC Title on Dolph Ziggler again as I was perplexed as to why he lost it the night before at Night of Champions.

I'm beginning to wonder if the holders of the IC & US Titles are blessed or cursed.

- Hard to believe it's been 12 years since we introduced Randy Orton on WWE TV and the son of a HOFer hasn't disappointed on his way to his own HOF career. @RandyOrton is one of WWE's most valuable commodities especially with the company rebuilding it's main event talent roster to a large degree. Randy was one of the most interesting talents to manage that I was ever around and he always kept me on my toes but at the end of the day I am immensely proud of the talent that he has evolved to be.

- Rusev certainly seems to be upwardly mobile and appears to be on his way to residency in Main Event Land.

- Curious as to why no Paul Heyman and few mentions of WWE World Champion Brock Lesnar on RAW. I missed a @HeymanHustle verbal presentation.
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