
Eva Marie fala da WWE ter mudado a sua vida

A Diva da WWE Eva Marie deu uma entrevista ao The Rack radio show. Eis os highlights:
How has being in WWE changed your life: “You know what, honestly, it’s changed my life. I am so grateful for the opportunities; not only being a part of WWE but being a part of ‘Total Divas’. I mean, when I first came in, yes I did do the WWE Divas Search but I originally due to my tryout, I got my developmental deal and I was not supposed to move until July to the Performance Center, which is in Orlando, but this last minute thing came up for ‘Total Divas’ so I went ahead and auditioned for that and got it. As soon as I got it, I moved within 48 hours.

Ever since then, I’ve been on the road. So, not only has it changed my life so drastically and so fast, but it’s also made me grow in so many different ways. The only downside is I am brand new; I am a brand new entertainer/wrestler so I’m learning as I go on the road and on TV. That’s extremely hard especially because I’m a perfectionist so I take everything to heart but on the flip side, it’s the best thing in the world. So, there’s always pros and cons to everything and I wouldn’t change a thing.

I think that’s what is so awesome about ‘Total Divas’, you get a little bit of everything from everyone. The Bellas: They’ve been here I think going on their 9th year, so they’ve been here a while. Then you have some like myself, who is brand new coming in; then you have the Funkadactyls and you get to see what they go through. In Season 3, at the end of the day it is a business and we are entertainers but everybody is just on a different level and you’ll see how each one of us deals with that and I think the audience can’t wait to see the trials and tribulations we go through.”

What is the biggest struggle she’d had to overcome so far: “I think being away from family; I’ve never been on the road or with any job for as long a period of time; 290 days of the year, that’s a lot. So, you’re missing birthdays, you’re missing certain holidays or celebrations or you’re home for a day and then back on the road the next day. So, for me, that’s the biggest adjustment. And then, you’re on different time zones, so you’re trying to contact your family by making phone calls or whatnot; you’re constantly busy and in different time zones, so that’s the biggest transition that I’ve had to make and that’s really hard just because I’ve never done that before. There’s nothing like the WWE; there’s no off-season. It’s not like football, it’s not like baseball where they have an off-season; WWE is year round. So, there is no break for us, at all.”

What was it like to be a part of WrestleMania XXX in New Orleans: “To be even a part of WrestleMania is a huge accomplishment because WrestleMania is the Super Bowl of wrestling. It’s the biggest event of the year, the second biggest is SummerSlam, but to be even a part of (WrestleMania) was insane, considering just one year prior I was just watching from the sidelines going ‘Oh my gosh, this is crazy’. And then, to actually be in a match with the rest of the main roster divas was insane because there is literally nothing like it; you cannot even describe what’s it’s like to walk out there and be surrounded by 80,000+ people all excited about to watch the show go down. So, I was just extremely grateful to even be part of such a big show that night.”

Has the dynamic changed on ‘Total Divas’ with certain people departing and certain members coming in (Summer Rae, Rosa Mendes): “I think in any situation, especially for ‘Total Divas’, it’s good to add new people, like mix it up and stir things up a little bit. But, as far as that, I love the original cast but that’s just me being a little biased.”

What was it like planning her wedding to Jonathan: “You know what, it was an amazing experience and I’m so glad that I did it, but it was so stressful because it was like right up to SummerSlam. So, literally, SummerSlam happened and I got married the next week. So, there was so much going on and planning a wedding is already stressful enough but to be on the road as well, trying to get everything taken care of, is extremely hard. I mean, that’s what you’re also going to see on ‘Total Divas’, is all of us girls not only out on the road but we’re trying to juggle our everyday lives with family, husbands, boyfriends and then, you know, performing in the ring and entertaining. So, you see us trying to juggle everything, especially with the struggle is were on the road about 290 days a year. It’s pretty hard to plan things when you’re doing it via text or via e-mail all the time.”
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