
Brodus Clay fala da relação que tinha com Vince McMahon

O antigo lutador da WWE Brodus Clay gravou uma entrevista para o Kayfabe Commentaries. Questionado sobre a relação que tinha com Vince McMahon ele respondeu:

"My relationship with him was always as the boss. I wouldn't say we had a personal relationship. He was the boss, he was like a teacher. When I spoke to him it was always something of consequence that had to do with my career or direction he wanted me to be in. Other than "hey, how you doing boss?" or things like that, I always kept it like that. I've always been that kind of person."

"A great story about him would be when I was learning to do The Funkasaurus character, at one point he came out and he was dancing with me, which took a lot of the edge off because I thought I was a bad dancer and then he came out. No matter what he does, it's that muscle walk, it doesn't matter how you do it, he just kind of does it."
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