
Jim Ross fala sobre a presença de Vince Russo no seu podcast gerou heat na TNA

O WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross voltou a publicar no seu blog e comentou se a presença de Vince Russo no seu podcast foi mal vista pelos oficiais da TNA. Ross disse:

"Been reading a little about Vince Russo coming on my podcast upsetting Impact honchos which, if true, is lame. Russo never knocked Impact on my podcast nor did we ever really address the brand in any detail. If it was that big a deal to Impact officials all they had to do was call me and I assure you that they have my number and I would have worked with them. The Russo podcast on the Ross Report will air on Sept 9 and you can be the judge.

Pro wrestling has long been wrought with paranoia and trust issues with talent and within management which goes back to 1974 for me, in particular. Most wrestlers, athletes, entertainers, etc are insecure by nature and even more so today with fewer places that they can go and earn a decent living. Add to that the abnormally short 'shelf life' for one in that field of endeavor and uncertainties become blown out of proportion unnecessarily.

That's another of many reasons why I have zero interest in getting back into the pro wrestling business full time even though I still love it today and will always be a fan. I can't turn off my passion for the genre that I've embraced since I was an 8 or 10 year old kid but re-entering that world is something that I never consider. I love my life in a non political, non sycophant world.

One untimely worded Tweet or entry here on a blog can divide the best of friendships plus one finds out who true friends are by how often each other communicates when one side of the equation leaves the biz.

When one is no longer doing such matters as doing payroll or booking, the phone calls are drastically reduced in a large part and that's especially brought to light when there's a health scare. Funny how that works, right?"
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