Evan Bourne responde se John Cena controla o backstage da WWE

Como indicado, o ex-WWE Evan Bourne deu uma entrevista ao Kayfabe Commentaries. 

Questionado se John Cena é um político de backstage na WWE, ele respondeu:

"I think people say you play politics on your way up. When I got to WWE, Cena was already a top guy so what politics would there be to play? He's the top guy, everybody loves him, the fans love him, everybody backstage loves him. So when he's talking to people, there's no politicking. He's just getting along with everybody. I think there's an agenda to make sure he's the top buy but that's because they've invested money in him and that makes sense. I don't think there's much backstage politicking."

Questionado se John Cena tem uma atitude de não elevar os jovens para ele estar no topo, Bourne disse:

  "I guess I heard the rumors something happened with Alex Riley, I don't know exactly what it was. I think Cena's known for giving the younger guys a hard time and testing them. He came up working Chris Benoit and a lot of guys made it tough on young guys coming up. I don't know if he's presenting a challenge to see how guys react or if he's really being a jerk to them."

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