
Estrela de topo da WWE critica restaurante no twitter e ainda troca palavras azedas com Billy Kidman

Roman Reigns esteve ontem em Los Angeles a participar num programa da ESPN e teve uma má experiencia no restaurante do aeroporto. Reigns disse:

"Dont eat the crisp flattened chicken..it comes with a lil extra! And a smug bitch of a manager! @Campanile1"

"Found a bug in my lunch at @Campanile1 restaurant in the LAX AP and the manager was stupid enough to give me attitude!UNREAL! #HealthHazards"

O produtor da WWE Billy Kidman disse no twitter:

"Restaurants BEWARE: I heard a rumor that @WWERomanReigns tries to get free food by saying there are bugs in his lunch."

Reigns respondeu:"@WWEKidman i dont need hand me outs.. im not hurtin in the pockets by any means old man... and its not a rumor if it comes from the source."

Kidman terminou com o seguinte tweet: "Twitter is funny. Yet somehow nobody on twitter has a sense of humor. Ironic."

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