WWE, Lana e Rusev recebem heat nos meios de comunicação pela promo no Battleground

WWE, Lana e Rusev recebem heat nos meios de comunicação pela promo no Battleground O facto de Lana ter aparentemente feito ontem no Battleground uma referência ao avião abatido na Ucrânia não caiu bem junto da comunicação social norte-americana e junto de vários fãs da WWE.

Lana disse: "You blame Russia for the recent current events."


Eis alguns tweets de fãs:

"When the Malaysia plane tragedy is used for a promo...@WWE you've gone too far #WWEBattleground"

"Oh did the WWE just do a Malaysia Airline Tragedy reference? Someone needs to be fired for that"

"Smh #WWE using the #Malaysia tragedy for this promo. #BadTaste"

O Washington Post disse:

"The first time the WWE used a giant photograph of Russian President Vladimir Putin to elicit boos for its heels Lana and Rusev, a pair of Eastern Europeans who hate the United States, it was largely looked at as a success. A cheap one, sure, but this is pro wrestling we’re talking about and there was almost a certain throwback charm about setting up a classic USA vs. Russia feud.

But on Sunday night’s “Battleground” pay-per-view, the shtick became less amusing and more cringeworthy when CJ Parker Perry, the bilingual American who plays Lana, the acerbic Russian manager of Rusev (who both in real life and in the ring hails from Bulgaria), decided to allude to “recent current events” while ranting on the microphone about how Russia is better than the United States."
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