
Jim Ross fala de Ronda Rousey na WWE e dos problemas de Emma

O WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross voltou a comentar a actualidade do wrestling no seu blog. Eis os highlights:

- This Tuesday part one of my two part interview with Kurt Angle drops at podcastone.com at 9 pm eastern time which I'm thinking will get many folks talking. This interview gets a little 'stiff' at times. If you're looking for BS and lame discussion this won't be the show for you.

- We will officially start on my autobiography this month even though we have no book deal in place. I wanted to write a book that I felt was honest and a true representation of my career and not what some non, wrestling fan book agent stereotyped me into writing or how another entity wanted to edit it. The desire for salacious "dirt" from these people is uncanny. I expect the book to be finished by 2015 and then we will shop it around. There are plenty of suitors out there I can assure you. Bottom line is that I'm going to have the final say on the edit...for better or for worse

- Yes, I'd love to see Ronda Rousey make an appearance at WM31 even though I know it's a long shot at very best. Ronda could be in someone's corner, a ref, or even compete with a female talent like Natalya or AJ Lee, for example, but please no intergender matches which anyone with a modicum of common sense can't and won't take seriously. Rousey is the hottest star today in UFC and is going to make a big splash in the film business sooner than later with multiple films in the can.

- WWE has postponed the taping of Tough Enough, according to Internet reports, until October from July. This had an impact on some projects that Steve Austin and I were going to do together which is unfortunate. Nonetheless we will circle our wagons and release more info when it's timely.

- Does any one else feel that this unfortunate incident with Emma has been blown somewhat out of proportion? Not condoning it but it's not exactly like she committed a felony. Should she be punished? Of course, but is it a headline making story on the IWC? Not in my opinion. Emma has received a valuable second chance that she should do all that she can to make the most of.
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