
Centro de treinos da WWE e Wyatt Family atingem marca

Ontem marcou um ano desde que a Wyatt Family se estreou no roster principal da WWE. Esta data é também especial junto do NXT pois o ano passado neste dia era inaugurado oficialmente o novo centro de treinos da WWE em Orlando. Alguns talentos do NXT comentaram esta data ao dizerem no twitter:

Braun Stowman: "Today is the @WWEPerformCtr 1yr anniversary. So blessed to call that my home for the last year!! Thank you @WWENXT @WWE for the opportunity!"

Mojo Rawley: "Very fitting that on the 1-year anniversary of the @WWE @WWEPerformCtr I learned more than almost any day in my career. #Blessed #STAYHYPED"

Bull Dempsey: "Today marks one year since the @WWEPerformCtr opened. I couldn't be more proud of what we have accomplished here & how bright the future is!"

Shawn Bennett: "Today marks 1 year the @WWEPerformCtr has been open! Lots of successes have come out so far. Who do you think will be next? @WWENXT @WWE"

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