
WWE olha a potenciais novos membros dos The Shield

O WWE.com publicou um artigo onde se olham a potenciais nomes para compor os The Sehdl depois da traição de Seth Rollins a Dean Ambrose e Roman Reigns. Os nomes listados são Adrian Neville, Big E, Dolph Ziggler, Cody Rhodes, John Morrison e Daniel Bryan.

Desta lista, somente John Morrison não está actualmente na WWE. Para o lutador o artigo indica:

"Now, listen. If you lose a high-flyer, you’d better grab one to replace him and no WWE Superstar adheres as closely to the Seth Rollins blueprint as John Morrison. The WWE Universe went gaga for Rollins’ aerial tactics throughout The Shield’s dominant run, but The Prince of Parkour was scaling structures and confounding opponents long before The Architect threw on his Kevlar. Granted, it’s hard to tell if the former Intercontinental Champion’s mindset — to say nothing of his sartorial tendencies — would exactly adhere to the aesthetic of The Shield (though we’d pay good money to see Roman Reigns in a chinchilla coat). But the in-ring transition would be smooth, and might even be an improvement in some places. Rollins was big on self-sacrifice — a younger, lither Mick Foley who swapped a button-down for bulletproof. Morrison, with his kicks that flowed like rubber but hit like rock, was efficient without taking too much out of himself. There’s no doubt that his inclusion in The Hounds of Justice could well make Rollins and The Authority eat their lunch, or at least their words."
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