
Vince Russo quer bookar Bray Wyatt

Vince Russo esteve bastante activo durante o Monday Night RAW desta semana. Eis os highlights:

"These Divas just don't seem as well schooled as many as I've seen in the past."

"When any announcer repeats anything even twice in wrestling it makes you think of JR---and that isn't good for them."

"Does anybody really care today if somebody says our GOVERNMENT is pathetic? That's a babyface pop."

"Why wasn't his entrance last? Are you kidding? That is just BAD---no other way to put it. Bray is the hottest thing on the show and DelBerto gets entrance after him? Bad, bad, bad. Please let me book this guy!"

"Having Bray out there makes him look like everybody else. They would have NEVER put Taker in that kind of a spot "back in the day." That tells you that they have NO IDEA what they have with Bray. He is a special talent. Look at him on the apron. He doesn't even know how to react put in that position. #unprotected."

"Did one of the announcers say, "What is this?" When we've seen Kane's entrance for almost 20 years---SIX BILLION TIMES?"

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