
Triple H fala da possível contratação de Shawne Merriman

Na conferência do NXT Takeover, Triple H foi questionado sobre a possível contratação de Shawne Merriman. O Miami Herald publicou um artigo com os comentários de Hunter sobre o assunto. Eis o que disse Triple H:

"Shawne has done some analyst work for us, done some stuff for the [WWE] Network. We are having conversations with Shawne, and it’s really going to come down to time and what he wants to do. Shawne expressed to me he had two dreams growing up. One was to be an NFL superstar, and he did that, and the other was to be a WWE superstar. He’s done one, and now he’s heavily contemplating the other. We’re in discussions. So we’ll see what happens, see where it goes. He’s a great guy, an amazing athlete, very smart, and we’d love to have him."
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