
Brodus Clay fala de John Cena ajudar os outros & Lutador com quem mais gostou de trabalhar

O antigo lutador da WWE Brodus Clay esteve presente no The Roman Show. Eis os highlights:

John Cena helping him and others with training: "He is a pro. He comes to work everyday. He is straight forward and tells you exactly what it is. One of my things was I didn’t get to work a match with him. I would have dropped the weight I did and keep the muscle I have. He is a great leader in terms of he talks it; he walks it. He is the face of the WWE and likely so."

"He (Cena) gave us all an opportunity to train and have the same training regiment. The training of the NBA and NFL with Olympic lifts for maintenance, for power, better cardiovascular. He was on the forefront. He gave guys an opportunity."

Which WWE Superstar he enjoyed working with most: "Heath Slater. I think I wrestled with him 1,000 times, CM Punk, Jack Swagger, Edge, The Usos, Damian Sandow. I enjoyed my time. I had the most fun with Heath Slater."
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