
Batista fala do regresso à WWE e passar do wrestling para o cinema

Batista deu uma entrevista ao LehighValleyLive.com. Eis os highlights:

Playing Drax the Destroyer: "That's the thing I love about Drax. I don't think people were really expecting him to have such an emotional range. Most people were thinking he's a one-note guy. But he's more heartbroken than anything. That's what I love about the character. He goes from rage to heartbroken over his family."

Going from wrestling to acting: "I had the same bills but no money coming in. I actually took jobs that would put me next to good actors. I kind of picked up some things from people here and there."

Finding his groove and getting back in WWE: "Somewhere along the line I found my groove and it felt good. I only stayed away so long because it took me longer than I thought it would to do the things ... I wanted to accomplish. But at the end of the day, I love being a professional wrestler. That live, automatic feedback is what I crave."
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