
Trish Stratus indica que Divas da WWE precisam desenvolver personagens

O Miami Herald publicou uma entrevista de Trish Stratus e onde esta comentou sobre as Divas actuais da WWE e as comparou com as Divas da sua geração. Trish disse:

"We represented things different. We were kind of there to work. That was our mantra. We wanted you to look at us for our work, not necessarily what we are wearing. I think the diva’s division, and this might be cliché because I don’t know how many times I’ve said this, but all they need is a bit more character development. We don’t get to know them, so when they get to the ring unfortunately, nobody cares. There is nothing for us to get behind or motivated or excited about character-wise and storyline-wise. I think there needs to be a little bit more focus on characters and with more TV time. I need to know these characters."
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