
Seth Rollins fala do futuro dos The Shield

Seth Rollins deu uma entrevista ao IGN para promover o Extreme Rules. Eis os highlights:

IGN: When I spoke to Roman, I asked about your entrance, because obviously it really stands out. Does it still have that special excitement, the way you come in that way through the crowd?

Rollins: Yeah, I like it a lot. It'll be weird if we ever have to come through the stage. That'll be strange! But it's cool, man. Every time we go up there and we're waiting to come down, we get a little crowd that kind of surrounds us, and there's a lot of energy there. As soon as that music hits, man, it's just like, "Boom!" You know what I mean? Everybody turns around and stands up. It's just a crazy energy. I can't really describe it. It's awesome.

IGN: Obviously the crowd has been backing you more and more, but now you've fully made a shift. Does it feel different for you? The energy's always been there, and now it's aimed a different way.

Rollins: Yeah, I think that's the best way to describe it. We're just doing what we do. I don't think we've necessarily changed that much about us. We're still black-clad, we're still out there kicking ass, taking names. For whatever reason, the crowd seems to be on our side at this point. It feels good. It's nice. The energy levels definitely haven't gone down at all. If anything, they've risen up. It's a different kind of energy. It's awesome. I think people have always appreciated what we do, but I feel like for whatever reason now, they just feel like it's okay to cheer us. So that's cool. I dig that.

IGN: You had some fun interactions with the Wyatts for awhile. It seems like your two groups -- while very different -- also played well of each other.

Rollins: Yeah, definitely. From the first time we had any sort of interaction with them, when we were over in the UK last November, there was definitely some crazy electricity that was going on. We knew that once we got into it that it was going to be awesome. I think it exceeded whatever hype it had laid in front of it, and that's really tough to do nowadays, to have a match where people wanted to see that. They were genuinely like, "Damn, I want to see that. That's going to be awesome." So I was really happy we got the opportunity to do that with those guys.

IGN: In wrestling, even the best of stables eventually seem to split up. For awhile people were wondering if you guys were heading towards a split. Right now, it seems like it's shifted back. Would you like to stay together for awhile more?

Rollins: I definitely do. I think there's a lot of life left in The Shield, especially with the different direction the crowd has taken on with us. I think there's a long way to go for us as a group -- as individuals as well. There's no reason we can't advance in both situations. I think people assume that for whatever reason there's an exclusivity to being a single star and a great stable. But for me it's never about that. We can all grow as individuals, and we can all be big stars in our own right. The Shield can be as big as it's ever been. It doesn't have to be one or the other.
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