
Highlights do Q&A de Triple H sobre o NXT Takeover

Triple H realizou ontem uma sessão de Q&A para promover o NXT Takeover. Eis os highlights:

Which match is he most excited for tonight? "has to be split between Kidd/Neville and Charlotte/Natalya. Zayn/Breeze isn't far behind."

Who is the mega-star to look out for in NXT? "NXT Champion Adrian Neville, Sami Zayn, Baron Corbin and Alexa Bliss"

Who has been the best example that the NXT system works? "look no further than Bray Wyatt"

Which Takeover star will be a future WWE Champion? "they will all be prepared for it. Right now? Adrian Neville."

When will we see Sami Zayn and Adrian Neville on the main roster? They are two of the best young talents right now. "they absolutely are. When the time is right. The goal is to make sure everyone is prepared on EVERY level."

Which NXT star do you hope to face one day? "I hope none of them! But if I had to pick one to work with today? @iLikeSamiZayn"

Do you see NXT as a developmental system or more of a brand? "it's both. It's clearly it's own brand but is definitely a launching pad to Raw, Smackdown, and WWE main roster."

Are you a lemon or a Rosebud? "that depends on the day!"

Are you concerned that people might work on NXT but fail to transition onto the main roster? "always a concern, we give them the tools but Success or failure depends on the talent. If it was easy, anyone could do it."

Is Full Sail University going to be the main location for NXT or are there any plans to take it elsewhere? "Full Sail is an amazing partnership, we're thrilled with it. We hope that Full Sail remains NXT's home for years to come."

What do you think is the biggest key to success these athletes need to learn in the business? "Confidence in the ability to let go and not just pretend to be something - but to actually be something."

If NXT was around when you came to WWE would you have wanted to gone through that or straight to the big time? "the journey that my generation had is different than this one has. NXT and the PC were designed to give them everything they need."

Is there anyone on the NXT roster that you would compare to yourself? "Lot of talent based on hunger to succeed and their passion."
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