
Christopher Daniels fala da sua saída da TNA

Christopher Daniels deu uma entrevista ao Baltimore Sun. Eis os highlights:

When he realized his contract wouldn't be renewed: "I didn't know until the day they told me. I went in to speak with TNA officials the last booking that I had, which was a taping of one of the One Night Only pay-per-views, on April 12. That was when I found out. I didn't know before then. I kind of assumed, because Frankie [Kazarian] and I were still an entertaining tag team and our wrestling spoke for itself, I thought they were going to renew, but I was wrong."

Had he been in any negotiations? "I talked to them for the first time at Lockdown, and they told me that they wanted to speak to me face to face. I was then off television for a month, so the next time I got to talk to them was at that One Night Only pay-per-view. So I had no idea until then. They pretty much just told me that they were going in a different directions with different people."

Does he think they will bring him back in the future? "The way it was explained to me, they said they wanted to leave the door open to do stuff in the future. But at this point, they couldn't continue to keep me under contract if they weren't going to use me as regularly as that. Who knows what will happen in the future? I'm not sure what their plans are. I had hoped there was going to be an opportunity for me and Frankie to wrestle the Wolves in a longer program, but that's obviously not TNA's priority at this point."

How has locker room morale been for the past few months? "It's sort of a “wait-and-see” approach there, man. Every company makes decisions that may or may not be popular with the locker room, but you have to see how it turns out. And I think that's what everyone is doing, waiting to see how everything lands and continue to put out the best product that they can once they see the lay of the land."

Is he interested in Jeff Jarrett's GFW? "I figure that anything that Jeff puts his mind to when it comes to creating a promotion has the potential to be very formidable in terms of the landscape of pro wrestling. Just look what he did with TNA. If he has the right people behind him when it comes to finances, then Jeff is creative enough to make something happen. So it's definitely on my radar, just like I think it's on everyone's radar at this point. Everyone's just waiting to see exactly what Global Force Wrestling is going to be. We have to see where it is, what it is, and who is going to be involved. Jeff is starting to answer slowly but surely.
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