
Nancy Grace irrita comunidade de wrestling após reportagem sobre Ultimate Warrior

A jornalista da CNN Nancy Grace entrevistou ontem Diamond Dallas Page e o que seria para ser uma entrevista sobre o falecimento de Ultimate Warrior acabou em controvérsia pois Grace só estava interessada em criticar o wrestling e nomeadamente todos os lutadores que têm morrido de abuso de drogas e uso de esteroides e mencionou que a morte de Warrior também poderia estar ligada a isso.....

O ponto alto da crítica sem freio de Grace foi quando afirmou que Owen Hart também tinha morrido de abuso de drogas e esteroides, o que não é verdade.

Logo após a entrevista, imensas personalidades do wrestling fizeram uso das redes sociais para criticar a jornalista. Eis alguns comentários:

Smith Hart, irmão mais velho de Owen Hart: "I think our beloved sister-in-law Martha as well as my entire family should be tremendously offended by the implication of Nancy Grace that my brother Owens demise had anything to do with drugs or steroids. For her to attempt to capitalize on Warrior's death while his family grieves for personal choices he may have made more than 20 years ago is a sad to day for what passes as journalism today. Breaking news; Many rock stars snorted cocaine in the 80's. Perhaps we should shut down the entire music industry. We should not buy into any of their such ridiculous libelous statements. We will hear official details from the coroner this weekend and not from some gossip journalist."
The Iron Sheik: "Nancy Grace YOU FAT DUMB BITCH I beat the fuck out of you talk bad about my wrestling brother. GO FUCK YOURSELF YOU DEAD DOG WHORE"

Zeb Colter: "If anybody receives an email entitled NANCY GRACE NUDE, do not open it. It's not a virus. It really is Nancy Grace nude. @NancyGraceHLN @WWE"

"#boycottnancy @NancyGraceHLN RETWEETS REQUESTED. Wrong fan base to piss off Nancy."

Kevin Steen: .@NancyGraceHLN Hi! Just wanted to say that I don't know you at all but judging from what I've seen of you on tv, you're not a good person.

Road Dogg:  "Nancy Grace has a biased opinion of our industry! She is overlooking the fact that a wife and children lost their husband and father! I guess it's true what they say,"only bad news is news" all the good things @WWE does as a company and she's stuck in the mud!"
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