
Disputa entre Roddy Piper e Kevin Nash terminou

Como reportado ontem, Kevin Nash insultou Roddy Piper no twitter. Estes insultos de Nash surgiram após comentários que Piper fez no seu podcast onde afirmou que Nash não soube ter um combate de equipas quando os dois se enfrentaram na WCW e de um incidente com violência quando estiveram no balneário....

Piper quando leu os insultos de Nash disse: "@RealKevinNash Don't degrade your status with such language! There's kids on here! Have some class! Your welcome on my Pod-Cast! Hot Rod"

Nash respondeu: "@R_Roddy_Piper set it up .Follow me we'll exchange numbers . There's a whole lot more for you to worry about on Twitter than bad LANGUAGE"

 "@R_Roddy_Piper Don't degade your status with stories of you ever standing up to me.Your the coward.Saw it in you eyes when I smacked you"

Sean Waltman que estava no backstage da WCW e viu o incidente deu a sua versão dos factos: "I just heard it. On the life of my children Roddy is bold face lying & I hate to say that,because I love Roddy"

"you (Nash) kicked the door in and everyone shit. Flair was more concerned about it not having to do with him. the Bodyguad tried to get between you. You said something to him and he stepped aside. Then you proceeded to open hand slap Roddy, because he was out of place and went into business for himself, causing you to re injure your knee in all that cluster Fu$k. I'll give him credit for a nice leg sweep that came up a it short. He called you a liar over your description of the incident. No one wanted a piece."

"I just heard the podcast and it was an out and out lie. Can't believe from Roddy. Hopefully it's a memory issue and not pride."

No final do dia, Nash disse que falou com Piper ao telefone e que tudo se havia esclarecido. Nash disse: "Talked to @R_Roddy_Piper on the phone seems our recollection is not the same.Asked him to do some research with those in the room. Said ok."
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