Devon indica as estrelas da WWE que ele considera serem extremas

Bill Apter entrevistou Devon Dudley para o Devon disse que gostaria de regressar à WWE e até nomeou Big E como um bom potencial colega de equipa. Devon foi questionado sobre que estrelas do roster da WWE ele considera serem extremas.

"Daniel Bryan, for one. Most people wouldn't put him in that category because he is such a technician in the ring, but I can see him getting down and dirty. Sheamus could be in that category as well. Put Randy Orton there, too. We beat the hell out of each other many times. I know a lot of people cheer him and a lot boo him, but I would put John Cena on that list as well. I had many brawls with him when I was in WWE and he was working himself up in the ranks."
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