
DDP lança comunicado sobre presença no show de Nancy Grace

Diamond Dallas Page lançou o seguinte comunicado sobre a sua presença no show de Nancy Grace que tanta polémica tem causado.....

"I went on Nancy Grace last night expecting to discuss Warrior the man. Had I known the only topic discussed would be steroids I would not have participated. At the time I was also unaware of the list that was shown to the viewing audience. To imply that all of the wrestlers on that list died from steroids was wrong and for that they owe the families an apology. Again, my only intention was to discuss Warrior the man and share some stories about how dedicated he was to the wrestling business. I am saddened that was not what happened and my thoughts remain with his family.

Cody Rhodes comentou esta polémica em torno da jornalista e disse no twitter: "Why are folks surprised by @NancyGraceHLN ?? She got dumped by a pro-wrestler in the 80s' and started a life quest to be just awful... ...if she was remotely confident in her accusations, she'd interview an active talent, yet she won't do that because she'd have a... ..."Mark Cuban/Skip Bayless" situation, and she would come-off as the ignorant sweathog she actually is."

Jim Ross também teceu o comentário ao dizer: "The polarizing Nancy Grace of HLN really was made to look ill informed and poorly prepared by her staff Wednesday night on her report of the death of the Ultimate Warrior. So much erroneous info was reported as fact that I actually felt bad for her. I'd like to believe that Ms Grace is not a mean person but she let down by her producers and research people notwithstanding those who wrote her script for her teleprompter. For Ms Grace to implicate Owen Hart into any drug or steroid scandal is egregious and appalling.

Pro wresting/sports entertainment is given little credit by the mainstream news media and, as we have seen, seemingly the only time the genre is mentioned is when there is a tragedy. I never heard anyone talking about the economic impact that WrestleMania had on NOLA or the hundreds of Make A Wish interactions that are granted, the work WWE does with the Susan B. Komen Breast Cancer organization, the support done in conjunction with the United States Armed Forces, among other great causes.

Good news isn't news in today's society or so it seems. That's truly a damn shame. Ms Grace was made to look incompetent by her own people who seemingly relied on old info for the thrust of their story on Warrior and apparently did little new research on the sports entertainment world as it exists today. I'd like to say that I'm surprised by I'm not. Sensationalistic, controversial journalism is what sells and 'selling' IE ratings is all that matters when it comes to TV news on virtually every network."
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