
JBL confirma história de Vince McMahon querer esconder o rosto a Christian

O ano passado o antigo writter da WWE Alex Greenfield em entrevista ao The Fight Network afirmou que certa altura, Vince McMahon queria colocar um ponto azul de modo a esconder o rosto de Christian pois este incomodava-o....

Greenfield disse: "Right before I started, there was a big show, I think it might have been in Toronto. Christian was just so completely over, and everybody thought he was going to get a push at, I think it was the World Heavyweight Championship at that point. We were on the plane one time shortly after I started, and Vince was just like “God damn, I just don’t like his face. His face really bothers me." I was like, “He’s ugly, Vince?” “No, it’s not that he’s ugly, it’s just, I don’t know, it’s ratty! You know what we should do? That Kennedy gimmick.” And we’re all like, “What?” Some see-on of the Kennedy fortune I guess got arrested for rape in the 1990s at some point. When the woman who was accusing him was on the stand, all of the networks put a blue dot over her face. Vince was like, “God damn, you know what we should do? We should put a blue dot over his face whenever he comes out.” It was the flight to Sheffield, England, also the flight where the Spirit Squad idea was invented. This was a whole flight of bad ideas."

Esta história foi confirmada no Monday Night RAW quando Christian entrou para o ringue e JBL falou sobre esconder a sua cara com um ponto azul.
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