
Ex-WWE Tyler Reks critica Sheamus e John Cena

O antigo lutador da WWE Tyler Reks foi entrevistado pelo Pancakes and Power Slams. Eis o que Reks disse sobre algumas estrelas da WWE:...

John Laurinaitis: If you're not on the radar, he doesn't care about you. I got belittled by him quite a bit. When I came back as T. Reks, that was Vince. Next thing you know, I was Johnny's best friend. And when all that ended, he wouldn't give me the time of day. He is not a nice person. He is all strictly business.

Triple H: Nice guy. He's got everything dialed in for the company and he's taking it in theright direction. Definitely into helping his talent.

Sheamus: Was nice in the beginning, them I realized that he steps on heads and suddenly isn't your friend anymore. He only does what's good for Sheamus.

John Cena: He's a workhorse. He does incredible things for the company and he busts his butt. Outside the ring, I can't stand the guy. He's not a nice guy, he holds talent down. He steals ideas. He's a prick.

Why he left WWE: My daughter was 8 months old and she was starting to notice that I was leaving. Infants change everyday. I was missing out and I realized that I just couldn't do both. I wanted to be a dad
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