
Mick Foley indica que o seu contrato com a WWE está a terminar

Mick Foley indicou no facebook que o seu contrato com a WWE está a terminar mas que mesmo sem contrato, ele continuará a trabalhar para a companhia. Foley disse:...

"My official contract with WWE runs out soon, but we have mutually agreed to continue to work together on a case-by-case handshake deal - the same way I did some of my best work (remember the 2004 Randy Orton program) with WWE in the past. The only minor difference (other than not getting a weekly check...ouch) is that I will work prospective WWE dates and projects around my schedule, instead of working my schedule around prospective dates. With the success of my live shows (thanks everyone) I needed more flexability in my schedule. But WWE has shown some interest in partnering with me on these live shows in the future, and a WWE produced, first-class, multi-media one-man Mick Foley show has always been my long-term goal. As WWE showed with the roll-out of the new network, when they go into something, they go ALL in - and I'm crossing my fingers, hoping they'll go ALL in on a fall 2014 15th anniversery "HAVE A NICE DAY" production - even if it's just for a limited run."
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