
John Cena lança o It's Change Time!

John Cena acaba de lançar o It's Change Time!, o seu programa de perda de peso. Eis a press release:...


World Renowned Pro-Wrestling Champion Becomes Your Personal Coach To Help You Lose Weight, Get Fit, and Look Sexy

NEW YORK, NY – January 2, 2013: Today, WWE® Superstar, John Cena, unveils a groundbreaking weight loss program for the U.S. with which users have already lost a total of over 4.2 million pounds around the world. Built on the three key pillars of NUTRITION, EXERCISE and, most importantly, MOTIVATION, 10 Weeks BodyChange is a simple, effective, and natural way to shed the extra pounds and kick start a healthier lifestyle in the new year.

In this innovative 10-week program, Cena takes a personal approach, showing up at each "BodyChanger's" house several times a week via online videos. Not only will the wrestling legend and fitness buff lead and teach users through preparing healthy recipe options, but he will also guide them step-by-step through each workout, providing the ultimate motivation day after day.

"After my father was diagnosed with multiple health issues due to being overweight, I was motivated to create an easy and effective regimen that would help him lose weight without compromising his lifestyle completely," says Cena. "That's when I discovered a program in Europe that has already helped thousands of people lose weight in a fast and healthy way. I brought this proven formula to the U.S. and combined it with my experience as a professional athlete and knowledge from my degree in Movement Studies Exercise Science. The result was the 10 Weeks BodyChange program. It helped my dad lose 46 pounds, and now I am excited to share it with other people who want to lose weight and lead a healthy lifestyle. It's Change Time!"

Subscribing to the nutrition plan is the cornerstone to 10 Weeks BodyChange. According to Cena, it is crucial to losing weight, but that doesn't mean starving yourself and counting calories every day. As part of the program, Cena will share the proprietary nutrition plan he developed along with advice from expert nutritionists which users will follow for 6 days a week to help them lose weight. And for one day a week, all "BodyChangers" are encouraged to indulge in a "Load Day" and eat and drink whatever they like to help prevent any cravings.

10 Weeks BodyChange is NOT about lifting lots of weights or spending hours in the gym. The workout sessions are twice a week for 20 minutes each. Led by Cena as their personal coach, each is an efficient, full-body workout that focuses on weight loss. Appropriate for all fitness levels, the moves start low-impact and then become progressively more challenging through the 10 weeks to really drive results.

Staying motivated is often the biggest challenge in successfully losing weight. The unique advantage of 10 Weeks BodyChange, is that users receives the content in their email on a weekly basis so that it is easy to stay motivated and engaged. Unlike with a DVD program, users do not get lost with vast amounts of content but wait in anticipation for each week's new content. And with Cena as their personal coach every step of the way, the users have a very intimate and motivating experience. He actually participates in every cooking and workout video, so the user is never doing it alone. Each member also has access to BodyChange's SuccessTool, where progress can be tracked throughout the 10 weeks.

10 Weeks BodyChange has already launched in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Poland and Brazil. To learn more about the program, members can sign up for free at changetime.com. A complete personalized platform for 10 weeks costs $99 and arrives instantly through individuals' online accounts.

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