
Christopher Daniels diz que o seu contrato com a TNA terminará em breve

Christopher Daniels deu uma entrevista ao Across the Pond Wrestling e indicou que o seu contrato com a TNA irá terminar em Abril....

"All I can tell you at this point is that my contract does end in April. Whether or not I resign depends a lot on the company, I have no plans on seeking employment elsewhere. So we’ll just have to see when that date comes around, man. A lot could happen between now and then, but at this moment I’m very happy with what I’m doing in TNA.

"I’m very happy wrestling with Frankie Kazarian as my tag team partner, I feel like we’ve barely even scraped the surface as far as the potential for Bad Influence as a tag team. I don’t have plan to break away or cut this out."
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