
Jeff Jarrett anuncia saída da TNA Wrestling

O co-fundador da TNA em 2002 Jeff Jarrett anunciou ao final da tarde via twitter que tinha saído da companhia. Jarrett disse: On December 22nd, 2013 I officially resigned from TNA Entertainment. Thanks to everyone involved for all the fantastic memories! #grateful...

Desde que saiu da TV da TNA em Dezembro de 2011, Jarrett vinha a trabalhar no backstage e sobretudo nos escritórios da companhia no departamento de expansão internacional.

Como performer, Jarrett é um dos lutadores com mais sucesso da história da TNA onde de 2002 a 2006 conquistou o NWA World Heavyweight Championship por seis vezes tendo no total 1006 dias como campeão.

Jeff detêm uma percentagem minoritária do capital da TNA e não se sabe o que ele pretende fazer com essas acções. O que se falava na TNA é que havia planos para trazer Jarrett de novo aos ringues da TNA.

A TNA em comunicado confirmou a saída de Jeff Jarrett da companhia

"TNA Entertainment, LLC announced today that it has accepted Mr. Jeff Jarrett’s resignation from the company effective January 6th, 2014. Dixie Carter, President, commented “On behalf of TNA, we would like to thank Jeff for his contributions to the Company. We wish him the very best and look forward to his continued participation as an investor in TNA Wrestling."

Vários lutadores da TNA comentaram a saída de Jarrett nas redes sociais. Eis alguns comentários:

Samoa Joe: "@JeffJarrettTNA my best to you and yours Jeff see you down the road."

Angelina Love: "@JeffJarrettTNA made something amazing & gave so many of us a platform to share our talents with the world. And it was FUN!! #ThankYouJeff"

Velvet Sky: "IMHO @JeffJarrettTNA deserves more credit than ever. He started up tna & gave all of us a place 2 do what we love. Forever thankful to Jeff."

Eric Young: "Thanks to @JeffJarrettTNA for everything wouldn't be where I am without him. @JeffJarrettTNA is one of the smartest men I have ever been around. Above all else he is a amazing man father and husband. Huge loss for TNA"

Matt Morgan: "Sad news @JeffJarrettTNA resigning from @IMPACTWRESTLING. Thank u Jeff for giving me a real opportunity&always believing in me!"

Zema Ion: "Just joining the many wrestlers giving thanks to @JeffJarrettTNA today. He's the man. Thank you for everything double J! #ThankyouJeff"
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