
Davey Richards volta a ser Davey Richards e é corrido da Ring of Honor

Como reportado esta semana, Davey Richards que está a treinar no centro de treinos da WWE anunciou que não estará presente no Final Battle da Ring of Honor. Foi também mencionado que a WWE tinha indicado a Richards e ao seu parceiro Eddie Edwards que também está aí a treinar que não queria que eles trabalhassem mais na ROH mas a questão de Davey Richards não parece ser essa pois terá sido a Ring of Honor a indicar ao lutador que não trabalharia mais na companhia....

Segundo o que indicam na ROH, Davey Richards é “um mentiroso compulsivo” famosas são as inúmeras vezes onde anunciou que iria abandonar o wrestling (a mais famosa foi quando mencionou que iria se tornar bombeiro de forma a fazer pressão para que a ROH lhe desse um reinado de campeão). Davey queimou a ligação no Japão por se mentiroso. Mentiu à New Japan ao dizer que teve um acidente de carro, mentiu à NOAH ao dizer que estava lesionado no pescoço.

O que fez a Ring of Honor perder a paciência de vez com a Richards foi uma entrevista à Total Wrestling Magazine e onde este foi o mais verdadeiro possível indica a fonte pois disse o que verdadeiramente sente sobre a ROH e criticou a companhia de cima a baixo, falou sobre não querer perder o título para Steen.

Davey disse o seguinte na entrevista:

Do you think changing the tag titles on three separate shows helped the ROH tag team division in any way? “Nah. Those belts don’t mean nothing anymore, anyway.”

What do you think of the iPPV issues that ROH has been experiencing (which we look at in depth elsewhere in this issue)? “I don’t care. It doesn?t bother me. If they can’t get their crap together that’s their problem. I just worry about showing up, doing my job in the ring and they can do whatever they want with that stuff. It’s their deal.”

You’ve been ROH Champion yourself ? what are your thoughts on what it means to be at the top of the tree and the responsibility that comes with it? “In my opinion that title has been devalued vastly for the last few years. The booking of it has been really substandard and screwy. It helps guys get bookings when they’re holding it, but it’s kind of a death touch because you work hard to get it and then it’s like you realize how screwy things become. And now the booking is so screwy with it, it’s just like a piece of metal, unfortunately. It has a rich history: I mean, look at the guys who have held it. Most of them have been very deserving in my opinion.”

The rumor doing the rounds right now is that TNA is up for sale. Do you think the upshot of a TNA sale may be more talent heading over to ROH? “Who’s even in TNA? No idea. Apart from Aries, Joe; guys like that. Oh, and TJ, but they’ve got him wrestling as some stupid skeleton man.”

Nos últimos shows da Ring of Honor, Davey fez um pedido de desculpas em frente a todo o balneário da ROH ao dizer que as declarações foram tiradas do contexto mas o pedido de desculpas foi visto como uma anedota por parte dos talentos. A ROH ainda tentou proteger o lutador mas a entrevista foi a gota de água e cortou o lutador do Final Battle e decidiu que o lutador não era mais bem vindo na companhia.

Quanto a Eddie Edwards este participará no Final Battle mas também sairia da companhia depois do evento. Muitos lutadores dizem que irão sentir a falta de Edwards pois este é uma pessoa bem vista. Já em relação a Davey, muitos estão aliviados por não terem de partilhar mais o balneário com Davey pois quase ninguém gosta dele.

Se o tryout de Edwards não correr bem na WWE, ele tem a porta aberta para regressar mas no caso de Davey e apesar de este ter dito no twitter que saiu da ROH em bons termos, a situação é totalmente diferente e a ROH não quer mais o lutador nos seus shows.

Após estes acontecimentos, Davey lançou um comunicado a indicar:

"I guess I could be pretty upset about ROH pulling my farewell match.

A company I’ve given literally everything in my body for time and time again, driven crazy amounts of hours to save the company money on flights, worked for reduced pay offs when the houses were down, ect.

It’s wild man, it’s such a different place now than when I started- not saying better of worse- just different.

So here we are- at the end of the road. I gotta be honest- though it’s pretty crappy to me and the fans to not get a fare well match I really can’t be anything but thankful for my time spent in that ring.
Truth is, ROH fans have been the only family I’ve had for the past 6 years.

What you saw is what you got with me. For better or for worse I bore my soul to you all. You All were there during the worst days when my grandparents died unexpectantly, my divorce, my home being taken. You didn’t even know it but you all saved me. That ring was my therapy.

Sometimes people have good days, sometimes very bad ones, sometimes they do things they’re very proud of, sometime they make mistakes and do things they’re regretful of. Noones perfect and I’ve been though all of those moments right in front of the ROH fanbase.

I recovered, grew, learned, matured in that ring. I want so bad to kiss it goodbye bc it was the only familiar thing I knew for so long.

But I can walk away. I’m ok. If for no other reason that I know is from day one to my last match I gave you all 100% of everything I had in my body and heart. You always hear people say, ” leave it all in the ring”. Well I can honestly say I did that. So in that I have closure.

Wether you like me or hate me I’ve always been honest ( often times perhaps too honest). But that’s me. I don’t believe in lying to people I consider family- and like it or not I considered y’all family.
ROH wanted to tell you all I was injured for Final battle.

Yes my neck is banged up, but I could have been there and wrestled by then. I didn’t want y’all being fed lies so I took the Initiative to tell you the truth. We just disagree on things. I have my opinion on things as do they. It’s just time to go our Seperate ways.

I don’t wanna slander anyone or speak badly of anyone.

Instead of thinking about this situation I’d rather think that I got to see one of my best friends go from an illegal immigrant barely getting on a preshow to a main eventer, I got to see a guy everyone wondered why I chose to tag with become far better than ill ever be, I got to share the ring with the guys I looked up to starting out, I got to see the new crop of amazing athletes come into they’re own.

I got to find a reason to live when I had none.

You all gave me so many good time and great memories ( hello colt:) ) that I can only hope I gave you all some.

There was an aura, a surreal felling that company once had that I hope they find again. ROH is about heart. I hope they find theirs again.

Please continue to watch them, support them, go to the shows bc the guys in that locker room and in that ring have more desire, heart, and dedication than can be measured.

Thank you all for everything, hope to see you all somewhere else down the road. But if not, you all meant the world me and I am forever in debt.

Wesley Richards"
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