
Paul Heyman fala da sua função na WWE e objectivos para o futuro

Paul Heyman deu uma entrevista ao SLAM! Wrestling e falou sobre a sua função na WWE:...

“If I look at my schedule right now… I don’t have one booking as a manager. I’m booked all over Europe, I’m booked all over this country, in two-on-one handicap matches. So I’m booked as a wrestler right now, not as a manager. At 48-year-old, I still have not had formal training as a wrestler. The role has changed. We’re not just doing the typical old-school gimmick matches that Lou Albano used to participate in.”

Questionado sobre os seus objectivos no futuro, Heyman respondeu:

“I’ve never managed in the main event at WrestleMania and I would love [that]. There are things that I know Brock wants to accomplish for us in this industry, that I prefer that Brock goes public with those goals when it’s time. I know that Brock and I have talked about things that we’d like to accomplish, that we haven’t had a chance to do yet. Hey, I’d love to be the first guy to ever manage the WWE and the WWE World heavyweight champion at the same time as well
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