
Jim Ross comenta o que se passou no Monday Night RAW

O WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross fez uso do twitter para comentar o que se passou no Monday Night RAW desta semana. Eis os highlights:...

Amount of commercials on RAW: RAW had its moments from Manchester but 15 commercial breaks is a major issue unless the content has 16 segments of red hot content which is impossible to create. Trust me, it is impossible to produce 16 really good to great segments of TV wrestling in todays market with today's talents performing under today's rules of engagement.

Closing segment of Monday's RAW: The closing segment of the show was compelling in my eyes. Several new 'players' got to make it to the magical last segment of Raw which has served many of the biggest manes in the business well. So, I liked that some new bodies were involved in what is generally perceived as the money segment of the broadcast. Now let's see who takes the ball and does more than they are asked to do and pushes and shoves to the front of the line.

The Shield vs. The Wyatts at WrestleMania: Have said all along that the Wyatt Family vs The Shield are lighting in a bottle and I'm hoping that there might be a significant match between the two entities at WM30.

Splitting up The Shield or The Wyatts: There are 6 men involved in the Wyatt-Shield business and at least one or two need to separate from their peers and elevate up the cards. Who will it be These guys have been polished up in the WWE Performance Center and are being heavily counted on to be main event level stars much sooner than later.

Authority Figure Angle: The 'Authority Figure' storyline Monday night was like driving on a busy street. I'm not sure what lane to pay attention to or exactly where I'm supposed to park. It's as if one authority figure is good so why don't we just have three?
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