
Mick Foley elogia Paul Heyman e diz que sente falta de Kurt Angle na WWE

Mick Foley publicou um post no facebook onde elogia a promo de Paul Heyman do RAW desta semana. Foley disse:....

"To the casual fan, Paul Heyman might appear to be the same guy he's always been - shifty, deceitful, unscrupulous. But a closer examination reveals Heyman to be almost chameleon-like in his evolution; adapting at all times to his surroundings, always staying one step ahead of the curve, doing whatever it takes to not only survive, but thrive in the turbulent sea of professional wrestling.

Wrestling's history is full of talented performers who lacked the instinct for survival - guys who hung on to something that had worked for them, even if the times, and tastes around them were changing. The Paul Heyman who used a cell phone as a weapon in the late 80's through the mid-90's - a big, brick-like foreign object, at a time when cell-phones were still uncommon - would look ridiculous today, wielding a palm-sized I-phone. Likewise, the ball-cap wearing Heyman who inspired a ragtag band of misfits in a bingo hall into the leaders of a wrestling revolution - while still being effective, just wouldn't be as absorbing in today's game.

But this current incarnation of Paul Heyman is the best on-air representation I've seen yet from wrestling's mad scientist. Ironically, the man who often willingly depicts himself as a coward on-air, is doing some of the most courageous work I've seen - taking chances (saying "I love you" to Punk, and asking Ryback to be a Paul Heyman guy) and baring parts of his inner self that a less confident man would never dare.

Last night's RAW saw some great microphone work. Punk, as usual, was great, and Bray Wyatt has quickly turned himself into a must-see/must-hear attraction. But that Heyman promo last night was off the charts."

Foley durante o RAW após ter ser emitido o vídeo da careira de John Cena afirmou que sente falta de Kurt Angle na WWE. Foley disse: "Who else just realized how much they miss @RealKurtAngle in @WWE?"
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