
Matt Striker diz que não há palavras banidas na WWE

O antigo announcer da WWE, Matt Striker foi entrevistado pelo Temple-News.com. Eis os highlights:....

Banned Words: "No words are banned. There are some phrases [that are] not part of the dialogue, but there are good reasons why. For example, a championship is not a belt. A belt holds up your pants. Someone that doesn’t watch wrestling might ask, ‘Why are they fighting over wardrobe accessories?’ When you say how you’re coming after me for the championship, then it adds importance."

Translating Vince McMahon: "If [McMahon] wanted me to get a point across, he would say it to me in his own words,” Striker said. “For instance, ‘Talk about how Sheamus is so strong that Mark Henry is afraid of him.’ So then I would turn around and put it in my own words: ‘You know, Mark Henry is the world’s strongest man, but just the other day I saw Sheamus bench pressing 550 pounds, and Henry was watching him through the mirror in the gym. There’s something interesting brewing here, let’s keep our eyes on it.’ Then [McMahon] would say, ‘Ah, that was good."

Getting Beaten Up On The Job: “I think [McMahon] enjoyed watching me get beaten up,” Striker said with a laugh. “I think the joke amongst the producers was that Striker takes a pretty good ass kicking. You hit [Matthews] a few times, he might break. You can’t really slam Renee [Young]. But if you want to convey that the Big Show is pissed off, Striker can take a good punch.”
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