Triple H fala do seu papel no SummerSlam e sobre o factor X de Daniel Bryan

O IGN entrevistou o WWE COO Triple H. Eis os highlights:....

Triple H on if being the special referee for the main event changes the mindset or if it's helping make Summerslam a good show: "Well, listen, it's a lot simpler, and it's not all on me. I would like to take the fact out of people's mind that I am the referee. I don't want this to be anything to do with me. I don't want to impact anything. I just want to be there to call this down the line. I want to be there for Daniel Bryan, for John Cena and for the world to see who's the man, who's the WWE Champion, who is the future of the industry going forward. It's not about me, it's not about who the referee is. I'm just there so if there is a problem, I'll take care of the problem and let it be about them."

Triple H on Daniel Bryan's "it factor" and his praise for him: "I think Daniel has an "it" factor to him. Daniel's an extremely exciting competitor in the ring. He's very technically sound, but in addition to that he's also got a huge personality and a charisma to him and just a quality that you must see. You want to see him. He intrigues people, and I think that's what being a WWE Superstar is all about. Not to quote CM Punk's music, but it's that cult of personality, and he has it. He has it, John Cena has it, CM Punk has it, Brock Lesnar has it, the biggest stars of this industry always have it. Daniel has it, now how does he parlay that? How does he take that personality and that charisma and turn it into the biggest thing possible, which is being the WWE Champion?"
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