
Reby Sky ataca Kharma pelos comentários em shoot interview

Na nova entrevista ao Kayfabe Commentaries a antiga diva da WWE Kharma referiu-se à noiva de Matt Hardy como sendo uma “ho” uma abreviatura de p*** e colocou esta dentro do "Ho Bag (um jogo comum nas entrevistas da série YouShoot). Reby respondeu a Kharma através do seu Ask.fm:.....

"Not aware of this, if it is true. Doesn't make much sense, as I don't know her on a really personal level & we have been nothing but nice to each other in passing at shows. We've actually texted back & forth a few times, so if she now has a problem with me, I can only attribute it to one thing/person. Fake as fuck to be nice to my face & talk shit to a camera if its true, but no shocker there. That's 99% of the women in this business anyway. Next."

Reby também respondeu a um fã que falava sobre wrestlers darem entrevistas: "Broke wrestlers doing "shoot" interviews for a couple hundred bucks to support their drug habits can KEEP mentioning me. Everyone knows I'm in an AMAZING committed relationship & love a good name drop :)"

Um fã questionou Reby se Kharma era consumidora de drogas e Reby respondeu: "And for the record, yes, that's exactly what I'm saying, and for damn good reason. No use in continuing to play nice or protect anyone who is sweet to my face & a cunt to me & my close friends behind my back."
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