
Jim Ross fala do ataque a Randy Orton e Christian campeão

Jim Ross respondeu a várias questões no seu blog. Eis os highlights:....

If the fan attacking Randy Orton at yesterday's live event in South Africa was a work: "It was an overzealous fan who was sent to jail as best that I know."

If Kurt Angle will return to WWE in the near future: "Kurt Angle returning to WWE is largely up to Kurt Angle. I have no idea what his future plans are but his in ring days lessen each day. He's a warriot but everyone has an expiration date when it comes to in ring work."

If Christian will get another run as World Champion: "Christian is a valued resource within WWE. He's been doing very well on TV as of late. His future is excellent but to get into specifics that I don't know would not be honest or fair."
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