Comentários do mundo do wrestling à revelação de Darren Young

A revelação do lutador da WWE Darren Young que a noite passada disse ao TMZ que era homossexual fez que durante o dia de hoje muitas foram as personalidades do wrestling que comentaram a tomada de posição de Young. Eis alguns comentários:....

John Cena : "I know Darren personally. Darren's a great guy. That's a very bold move for him. And congratulations for him for actually finally doing it."
"For us, it's entertainment ... and if you're entertaining you shouldn't be judged by race, creed, color or sexuality ... as long as you're entertaining."

Titus O'Neal: "I'm VERY PROUD of @DarrenYoungWWE He's been like Family 2Me&My Kids And that won't Change!

Triple H: "Congratulations, @DarrenYoungWWE for living YOUR life, YOUR way. #proud"

Stephanie: "Congratulations to @DarrenYoungWWE for being the first openly gay WWE Superstar!"

Jim Ross: "'@StephMcMahon: Congratulations to @DarrenYoungWWE for being the first openly gay WWE Superstar!' I second that. #NonIssue"

Rosa Mendes: "@DarrenYoungWWE I'm so proud of you!! See you this week!!"

Gregory Helms: "Good job @DarrenYoungWWE Respect!! Somewhere my friend Kanyon is smiling down."

Matt Morgan: "ENORMOUS courage out of @DarrenYoungWWE today! U should be very proud of urself Darren! #WhatAGreatExampleForOthers"

Chavo Guerrero: "Huge support for @DarrenYoungWWE !! Great guy & great wrestler! Kudos for @JohnCena  supporting comments too"

Josh Matthews: "Very proud to be apart of @WWE today. Tremendous show of courage from @DarrenYoungWWE"

David Otunga: "I'm proud of @DarrenYoungWWE for his courageous decision. He's a genuinely good dude and one of the most talented performers in @WWE"

Drew McIntyre: "History in our business will remember @DarrenYoungWWE as a pioneer with the courage to say proud, this is who I am. Hell of a talent & a man"

Renee Young: "Happy for @DarrenYoungWWE! Big moment for him and everyone else. Happy for you, bud!"

Curt Hawkins: "Wow! @DarrenYoungWWE is fearless. This is a historic day for the sport of professional wrestling. Good for you D-Young!"

Tony Dawson: "“@StephMcMahon: Congratulations to @DarrenYoungWWE for being the first openly gay WWE Superstar!”  I support D Young 100%."

Evan Bourne: "Nothing but love and respect for my dude  @DarrenYoungWWE!"

Zack Ryder: "Proud of you bro @DarrenYoungWWE"

A própria WWE lançou um comunicado no a comentar a situação:

On TMZ this morning, WWE Superstar Darren Young revealed to the WWE Universe that he is gay. WWE is proud of Darren Young for being open about his sexuality, and we will continue to support him as a WWE Superstar. Today, in fact, Darren will be participating in one of our Be A STAR anti-bullying rallies in Los Angeles to teach children how to create positive environments for everyone regardless of age, race, religion or sexual orientation.

As noted earlier, John Cena told TMZ that it's "wonderful" that Young decided to come out publicly - saying that he's a true professional and he has the support of WWE.
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