
Jim Ross fala dos rumores da entrada de Sting na WWE

Jim Ross voltou a publicar no seu blog. Eis os highlights:

On 'Sting to WWE' rumors: "My Twitter, @JRsBBQ, timeline is being hammered with the latest Sting rumors of him coming to WWE at some point in the future. Are these rumors of any significant difference than the basic, same ones that we've been hearing since WCW closed their doors or every time Sting's contract nears it's end? As best that I know, Sting is very happy where he is currently working and has no plans to launch a WWE in ring career at the age of 54. I've known Sting since day one and have immense respect for the man and do feel that he will be a WWE HOFer some day."

On his new ESPN project: "The project that I worked on with ESPN.com on OU football will be published this coming Tuesday at espn.com. Five of our all had a fantasy draft to comprise an offense and a defense including specialists of former Sooners. There were actually two men drafted that had distinguished, pro wrestling careers."

On being part of a "best calls" tournament: "Check out the poll that's ongoing now at Awfulannouncing.com as one of my old calls is in the competition."
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