
Kane: ”Daniel Bryan é o lutador mais talentoso da WWE”

Daniel Bryan continua a receber elogios pelas suas performances na WWE nos dias de hoje. Desta vez foi Kane que numa entrevista a promover um house-show disse que Bryan era o lutador mais talentoso do roster da WWE. Kane disse:...

“Daniel Bryan might be the most talented guy on the roster right now. I think he’s the best technical wrestler we have, and he’s also one of those guys who’s been able to forge a connection with our fans. And people who are able to do that are very successful.”

Kane disse que apreciou ter feito equipa com Daniel Bryan durante quase um ano pois permitiu-lhe mostrar outra faceta.

"The past year, I’ve really enjoyed it, maybe more so than any other time in my career,” Kane said. “It has allowed me to do things I’ve never done before.”
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