
Batista diz que Titus O'Neil merece ter sucesso e fala sobre um regresso ao wrestling e TNA

Batista fez uso do twitter para comentar um possível regresso ao wrestling....

"Sup Tweeple?!! Longer day than expected. Guardians is going to be insane! I'm about to pass out but fuck it! Q n A 4 5! GO!! And I apologize in advance for not being able to answer everyone.. And I'll use my E.S.P. and go and answer the question I'm asked everyday all GD day... I don't know when or if I will ever go back to wrestle!! I would love to but there's a ton of other factors that I would have to weigh in. Shit like..how much will I be fined if I bleed? And who would I work with? And will I have the freedom to other things that I want to accomplish in life? Ya Know?!! ..but I do mss it. And I miss the fans alot. Even the dipshits who boo me and make up BS about me and smear it all over the iternet. Anyway..5 , GO!!!!""Sup Tweeple?!! 

Longer day than expected. Guardians is going to be insane! I'm about to pass out but fuck it! Q n A 4 5! GO!! And I apologize in advance for not being able to answer everyone.. And I'll use my E.S.P. and go and answer the question I'm asked everyday all GD day... I don't know when or if I will ever go back to wrestle!! I would love to but there's a ton of other factors that I would have to weigh in. Shit like..how much will I be fined if I bleed? And who would I work with? And will I have the freedom to other things that I want to accomplish in life? Ya Know?!! ..but I do mss it. And I miss the fans alot. Even the dipshits who boo me and make up BS about me and smear it all over the iternet. Anyway..5 , GO!!!!"

Questionado sobre uma possível ida para a TNA, Batista mais uma vez diz ser fiel à WWE: "BS my friend! Said it before and I'll say it again, I bleed WWE! Wouldn't want 2 be anywhere else. And I've had plenty offers"

Batista comentou ainda sobre o lutador da WWE Titus O`Neil que numa entrevista recente deu créditos a Batista pela sua entrada no wrestling: "I did't make him...I just encouraged him. I love that dude and he deserves huge success! #hardworker"
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