
[Spoiler] Curtis Axel diz que será campeão da WWE e John Cena responde

Curtis Axel fez uso do twitter para se congratular pela vitória sobre o WWE Champion John Cena no RAW de ontem. Curtis disse:....

First I take out HHH! Then I beat the @WWE Champion @JohnCena! 2-0 on RAW! Like @HeymanHustle says, You're looking at a future WWE Champion! 2-0 on RAW! Can you see me NOW???!!!"

Cena respondeu ao dizer: "Congrats to @RealCurtisAxel yer damn good young man, but yer also more lucky than a horseshoe rabbits foot crammed up a leprechauns tail. Enjoy the victory @RealCurtisAxel I will not be so careless next time, @WWE you can count on that. #TheChampIsHere #RTimeIsNow"
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