
Smith Hart furioso pela forma como a WWE fez a Bret Appreciation Night e derrota de Natalya

O irmão de Bret Hart, Smith Hart fez ontem uso do twitter para mostrar o seu desagrado pelo facto de a sua família ter ficado de fora da Bret Hart Appreciation Night. Hart disse:....

"I always wonder when WWE uses my family photos or my likeness why I'm not getting any royalties. Not concerned about my family not being apart of the celebration tonight but I do think they're are a few people who really should've been. Notably Jim Neidhart, Jimmy Hart, Roddy Piper, Mayor Nechi, Edge, Steve Austin and even the Undertaker"

Smith comentou ainda o facto de Natalya ter perdido no RAW: "Should be upset that Natalya had to lose on her birthday in her hometown, but Im actually happy she got to work and show how talented she is"

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