John Morrison fala o da vida pós WWE e do seu programa de fitness
O entrevistou John Morrison sobre o seu programa de fitness "Out Of Your Mind Fitness". Eis os highlights:....
His Fitness Program: : [“Out of Your Mind Fitness”] is a fully functional training regimen built to getanyonein the best shape of their life. Functional training is the bee’s knees these days. It’s all about time efficiency. Training your body to move … so you can have the highest quality of life possible.
Everyone needs to move — if you’re a pro athlete, a contortionist, a computer programmer or just somebody who wants to play with their kids. One of the benefits of functional training like this is that it utilizes movement across multiple muscle groups as opposed to old-school bodybuilding, which is about isolation. You don’t move with isolated muscle movements in real life.
Functional training is about integrating core and stabilization muscles, which are engaged while doing these exercises. The whole body is getting worked out as a unit."
What He's Been Doing Since Leaving WWE: "Life is a pretty awesome ride. Since stepping off [the WWE] train, I’ve been writing some [film] shorts and a feature that I’m hoping to produce and star in. I just wrapped a movie called, 'The Factory.' I’ve also been training for stunt work, acting for some independent classics, and working out.