
Dixie Carter anuncia que Austin Aries será castigado e Chavo defende o lutador

A presidente da TNA Dixie Carter comentou no twitter a situação do comportamento de Austin Aries para com Christy Hemme. Dixie disse:....

"TNA has ZERO tolerance for inappropriate behavior," she wrote. "The incident with Austin Aries was taken very seriously and handled immediately."

O lutador da TNA, Chavo Guerrero defendeu Austin Aries e criticou o jornalista Mark Madden pela forma como este empolou a situação. Chavo disse:

"Great Job @MarkMaddenX for watering down wrestling even more. God forbid that a wrestler breaks out of the typical mold of being so scared to show his personality on TV. U must've been going crazy during the 'attitude era' with every cutting edge thing that Vince did!"

"And for the record, I saw Hemme after that segment, & she didn't look bothered at all. Just saying...I was there." Chavo concluded, "I think we should just let Hemme fight her own battles. If she needs help, she'll ask."
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