Chris Jericho não estava entusiasmado para enfrentar Fandango na Wrestlemania

Chris Jericho deu uma entrevista ao Hooked on Wrestling e falou sobre a sua rivalidade com Fandango. Eis os highlights:

On Fandango being Vince's pet project: "He loves it. He's rolled with it from the start and now it's getting over to a degree - I don't know if he's more over or the song is over, but at least there's a reaction. To be honest I did a lot of that to make it happen. It's why Vince put me with him for WrestleMania."

On his initial reaction to the feud: "I wasn't really super excited about it at the start as you can probably imagine but but then after a bit I realized what the task was and that it was a challenge!"

On McMahon thinking Fandango would be a "great heel" after seeing Jericho on Dancing with the Stars: "Vince probably watched (DWTS) and thought all the dancers looked gay and thought (Fandango would) make a great heel."

On a Fandango face turn: "I told Vince probably about a week before WrestleMania, he's going to be a babyface soon. 'Why?' he says. Because it's such a ridiculous character and he plays it so well so far that most of the crowd will be cheering for him, too. It's hilarious. Here we are two weeks later and he's the most over guy on the show. Well, at least his music is."
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