
Zack Ryder: futuro da sua personagem e Cena vs Punk

Zack Ryder deu uma entrevista ao New York Post. Aqui estão as partes mais interessantes da mesma:....

» Seres de Long Island o que sentes ao teres a WrestleMania a regressar à área e estar apenas a poucas semanas

 This year there are a lot of mixed emotions. It's going to be cool that Wrestlemania is back in New York and New Jersey, I went to Wrestlemania X and XX as a fan and last year I had my first Wrestlemania match so it is cool. At the same time I'm not on the show so it's not cool and I wish it was somewhere else because all of my friends and family are going to be there and I'm not going to be on it so that part stinks. It's great that such a huge event is going to be at MetLife Stadium, Rock and John Cena the rematch, it's going to be historic. Whether Zack Ryder is on the card or not, Wrestlemania is going to be the show of the year and maybe the best one yet. 

» O que vês no futuro de Zack Ryder durante o próximo ano

 I'm not really sure. I ended my YouTube show that I have been doing for two years this past January. I think Zack Ryder, the character, needs a little tweaking, it needs a little adjustment. I wouldn't say a complete 180 turn but a couple of things here and there. I have to sit down and I have to really figure out what needs to be done to get back on top and make sure I don't miss next year's Wrestlemania. 

» Achas que é uma questão de tempo até teres uma nova oportunidade a títulos

 "That's the ultimate goal so I have to be positive and think that those opportunities are in my future. That's what keeps me going.

» Mencionaste que vias wrestling no passado como fã, por isso tenho de te perguntar o que achaste do último Raw com a abertura de Brock Lesnar-HHH e o final de CM Punk/Cena? 

"The way it ended, that match was a pay-per-view match right there for free on TV. I was watching in the back with a couple of guys and I was on the edge of my seat, was it going to be Punk or was it going to be Cena, was someone going to run in, would it be a straight finish? We were anxious to see who was going to win. It was a great match, the fans were on their feet the whole time. When Cena won, the place exploded and he deserved the win."
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